DIY Fabric Softener Solutions

DIY Fabric Softener Solutions

Unlike their store-bought counterparts, our DIY fabric softener recipe relies solely on natural, skin-friendly ingredients that treat your clothes with the utmost care. Plus, these eco-friendly ingredients won't break the bank, making them both gentle on your wallet and the planet.


Solution 1: Vinegar 

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make your own fabric softener is to simply use white vinegar. Just fill the fabric softener compartment with white vinegar and run your washing machine as usual. 

Whether you use white or apple cider vinegar, both serve as an effective acidic solution for neutralising remaining soap scum that causes clothing to be stiff and scratchy. 

Opt for vinegar from the food aisle rather than cleaning vinegar, which contains petroleum-based ingredients and is not intended for consumption.


Ingredient 2: Citric Acid

Another great option for a natural rinse aid is citric acid. It's often used in cleaning products as a powerful and effective way to dissolve hard water stains and mineral build up. 

Simply add 1 teaspoon of citric acid to the fabric softener compartment and it will dilute with the rinse water. You can also add direct to the rinse cycle.


Add a sweet touch

Adding essential oils to your fabric softener is completely optional, but it's a great way to add a pleasant scent to your laundry. Some of the best essential oils for laundry include lavender, lemon, peppermint, and tea tree oil. We recommend adding 5-10 drops per load. 


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