Uses For Laundry Butter Cleaning Paste

Uses For Laundry Butter Cleaning Paste

Laundry Butter is old, famous, and amazing recipe that is not limited to the laundry. It is a multipurpose cleaning paste that can replace products like gumption or jiffy AND do a whole lot more too. It only uses on 3 ingredients, can be made in big batches and stores for a long time. It is super easy to make and you can grab the recipe here


  • Use in your washing machine much like you would any laundry powder/liquid. You can add 1-2 tablespoons directly to compartment in your washing machine or directly to the water. You can dilute a bit first if necessary & as its low in suds you can use in a top or front loader. 
  •  Use the paste directly on a stain & give a gentle scrub. You can ever 'supercharge' your paste for heavy duty stains by adding a tiny bit of Crystal Clear Percarbonate & boiling water.


  • Dilute 1-2 tablespoons in 1 cup of warm water & use with a scrub pad to clean ovens, fridges, bins, bench's etc. 
  • Use 1 tablespoons as emergency dishwasher tablets 
  •  Use to scrub greasy pots & pans


  • Clean showers, bathtubs, basins, anything - Dilute 1-2 tablespoons in 2 cups of warm water, add some essential oils & even some Crystal Clear Percarbonate. Then simply use a scrub pad/brush to clean the bath, shower, sinks. 
  •  Add some to your toilet brush to clean the loo.


  • Use to degrease BBQ's & clean outdoor settings


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